Emilio Molina Molina

I graduated with a Bachelor of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at the University of Granada in February of 2014. Previously, I have attended a semester abroad at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse during the fall of 2012 with a European Grant. This was my first experience on and off field with athletes and from there I started gaining interest in how exercise is implemented world widely and depending on the population. In June of 2016 I finished a Master of Sciences in Exercise Physiology in Norway, where I presented a thesis looking at the effects of two different exercise modalities and their influences on several cardiovascular parameters, in one of the largest cohorts of elderly in the Nordic country.
Summary of ESR Project
This project aims at exploring three novel non-invasive technologies: 13C-breath tests (stable-isotope-based liver-targeted substrates), sugar absorption tests (urinary HPLC-based) intestinal permeability and mid-range infra-red fingerprinting of urine and plasma samples, to evaluate Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) staging.
The research will include methodologies for developing and applying novel biomarker algorithms for NAFLD diagnosis and staging based on the three novel technologies. The post-holder will have some scope to adapt the project based on their interests.
Dr. Piero Portincasa
Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC), Portugal
microBiolytics, Germany
Dr. Martin Winter